Gear up for loads of fun with Gage the Robot – Limited Edition Scentsy Buddy!
Gage loves to dance – “the robot” is his favorite move — but heavy metal really gets his rivets rockin’. With a metallic silver head and boxy body, Gage is more than a hunk of artificial intelligence. Consider him your best bionic Buddy!
$30 and includes your choice of Scent Pak. {while supplies last}
Pair Gage the Robot with our “Blast Off” Warmer available at a 20% Discount. 
The sky is no limit with Blast Off. This fun rocket ship with red detailing and lit glass window is made for kids {or adults} who dare to dream.
$35.00 – Now $28.00 {while supplies last}
Limited-Edition Scentsy Buddy’s {while Supplies last}
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Thank You for Your Love & Support. My Home-Based Business is a Success because of YOU!!!
Barbara & Family XOXO
- Jack Skellington Wax Warmer Scentsy Disney® Collection - August 10, 2019
- Darth Vader Scentsy Wax Warmer Joins Our Disney® Collection - August 9, 2019
- NEW! Scentsy Frosty Glow Warmer - October 18, 2018