Re-Join Scentsy Special – 1st Time Ever!
Sometimes, Scentsy Consultants choose to part ways with Scentsy, or life happens and they aren’t able to stay active. Well, we want YOU back! And we know you do, too.
We want to encourage You if you are a former Consultant who left Scentsy on or before Dec. 31, 2015, to rejoin! In January and February, you will be eligible to purchase a new Starter Kit when you reinstate your account, while supplies last!*
What’s new?
All former Consultants are always encouraged to apply for an account reinstatement (at least three months after their account was cancelled for inactivity or at least six months after their account was cancelled for any other reason), however we typically don’t allow reinstated Consultants to purchase a new Starter Kit.
During our Rejoin campaign, we’re lifting that restriction for Consultants who were cancelled on or before Dec. 31, 2015!
In January, reinstated Consultants can choose between the $49 essentials-only Starter Kit or the standard $99 kit. In February, they’ll receive the transition Starter Kit that includes Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer business tools. See Kit Contents below!
Why now?
It’s the perfect time to come back to Scentsy. In January, we’re offering an essentials-only Starter Kit for just $49.† February is a transition month (hello, two-season Starter Kit!), and then in March, we launch a new catalog. It’s a great opportunity for former Consultants to recommit and gain a lot of great momentum with all the new products and tools they need to launch their business — again!
All the excitement for January has me pumped !!
💥 BBMB promotion
💥 DOUBLE half price hostess rewards
💥 JOIN for $49 ($59 in
🇨🇦 Canada)
💥 STARGAZER warmer
We’d love to have you back and the process is SIMPLE!
- Select your sponsor/business partner. (and of course, I hope you’ll choose me!) I am more than just a sponsor – I’m your mentor, coach, cheerleader and business partner. If you join my team, you can expect regular communications from me, as well as a few fun challenges to keep your business growing! I’m also part of a much larger, global team – Team Scentral. Between our exclusive Facebook group, weekly training calls, and great support from our awesome Super Star Directors, our team has amazing resources to keep your business booming!
- Restore Your Account. To be reinstated, all you need to do is send a quick note to [email protected] with your request to restore your account and your new sponsor’s name Barbara Volkema and ID number. #278696 OR you can 1-877-855-0617 and ask to get transferred to someone in Account Services directly to handle your reinstatement.
- Submit 200 PRV. Yes, You’ll also have to submit at least 200 PRV in the same month that you’re reinstated, so I recommend that my new team members join early in the month and have a couple of orders or socials {parties} booked, and are ready to go. I’ve haven’t had a consultant rejoin on our team who’s failed to meet the 200 prv, so don’t worry!
*Reinstated Consultants are only eligible to purchase a new Starter Kit in January or February 2017, or while supplies last.
†The $49 Starter Kit is only available from Jan. 1-31, 2017. Price does not include tax or shipping. Contents may vary.
I am also just a call/text away at {920} 360.4062 or email me @ [email protected]!
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